Client Feedback
The craftsmen at StairSupplies take tremendous pride in what they do. The creation of beautiful stairways is not only done for the customer, it is also done because the StairSupplies craftsmen don’t know any other way. Perfect stairways are a habit for the StairSupplies craftsmen.
Positive client feedback is the biggest compliment that StairSupplies craftsmen can receive. Below is an example of such a compliment that elated the StairSupplies craftsmen:
“Greetings to All at Stairs Supplies,
We are very very pleased with the quality of the Cumaru railing and components we received last week from Stairs Supplies. Each piece out of the shipment is a “Work of Art”. Our compliments to all those at Stairs Supplies who had their hand in our order.”
– Nick, in Delaware
Purchased Cumaru Handrail & Fittings in December-2012
It may not seem like a big deal to the customer, but positive recognition for the craftsmens’ “work of art” goes a long way. Making excellent stairways is more than a job for the StairSupplies craftsmen; it becomes a hobby. They really enjoy their work and it gives the craftsmen great confidence to hear that their hobby is also appreciated by other people.
StairSupplies also receives numerous compliments for their receptionist: Shelly and their salesmen: Brett and Fernando. Everyone goes through Shelly when they call into StairSupplies. Her warm and cheery personality coupled with her knowledge about stairways sets the customer at ease.
The customer is then transferred to Brett or Fernando who are the stair aficionados around the shop. Fernando specializes in stair design and helping a customer figure out what they want; Brett specializes in an immense knowledge of the product that guarantees the customer will get what they want.
Whether it is the craftsmen, receptionist, or salesmen that receive positive feedback, it is all greatly appreciated. It drives the professionals at StairSupplies to keep building the best stairways on the market.