The Most Famous Staircases in the World
According to Michelle Dockery, “The journey matters as much as the destination.” In the words of Lao Tzu, it’s also true that “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” So, why not enjoy the journey? Take that first step on one of the most famous staircases in the world.
Grand Opera Staircase (Paris, France)
This staircase is one of the most prominent features of the Palais Garnier, which opened in 1875. It draws crowds from all over the world. If you think this staircase looks familiar, that’s because it is the staircase that inspired the stairways at Grand Central Terminal in New York City that rise up from the Main Concourse.
Musical Piano Stairs at Wulin Plaza (Zhejiang Province, China)
This magical stairway was built to encourage more people to take the stairs instead of the escalator. Remember the piano sequence in the film Big? Each step plays a different musical note when walked on, which is great as long as you don’t have too many people taking the steps at once!
St Pancras Renaissance Hotel’s Grand Staircase (London, UK)
This famous staircase is one of the most well-known hotel staircases in the world because of its great design. It has been featured in the backdrop of numerous films, including Batman Returns and the Spice Girls’ music video “Wannabe.” This masterpiece designed by Sir Gilbert Scott is certainly worth exploring.
Tiger & Turtle—Magic Mountain (Duisburg, Germany)
This interactive sculpture was created by artists Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth. It is comprised of 249 steps that visitors can explore all day and night. There are even lights on the rails to help people see through the darkness and take in the views above the Rhine, regardless of the time of day.
Whether you’re interested in exploring world-famous staircases or simply enhancing the stairs in your home, our team at StairSupplies would love to speak with you. Have questions about stairs? Please reach out to us using our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!