Production Team Member Earns Certification
Study, Skill, and Certification
Graham Morris, a member of StairSupplies’ cable railing production team, recently received ⅜” GMAW, or Gas Metal Arc Welding, Structural Steel certification. Morris, who has dedicated the last 4 years to perfecting his craft, noted the significant impact the training has had on his work.
“It’s made me a better welder and given me a deeper understanding of how different metals and alloys interact.”
Morris began full time at StairSupplies two years ago. Before that full-time work began, Morris had already clocked in plenty of hours with the production team.
“I started off part time in the lathe department,” said Morris, “then transitioned into the powder coat line.”
Even as a part-time employee working with the lathes, Morris was building experience in welding thanks to introductory programs available through his high school. Though the high school training proved valuable, Morris found he wanted more. He sought a hands-on program at a local college where his talents continued to develop.
As he thrived in welding, Morris became an essential member of the cable railing production team. He also pursued a new interest that emerged when it became clear that using innovative technology was the next step forward for cable railing production.
“Now I’m in charge of welding and robotics,” said Morris, who also received advanced robotics training from OTC Daihen. The Ohio-based company uses their training to emphasize accuracy in all stages of work.
“Measure twice, weld once,” is just one of the “training highlights” listed on their website. Though only Morris received that specific training, it’s clear that our entire production team takes that philosophy to heart as they continue to successfully manufacture custom cable railing systems on a daily basis.
The Crew Behind Your View 
The metal production department creates individualized orders for customers all across the country, and each member of the team plays a vital role in making sure that every system is produced with focused craftsmanship and care.
StairSupplies encourages their employees to seek additional training and education, and like Morris, many employees better themselves through further studies. It makes a difference. One that we see in our shop, and you see anytime you come across a Viewrail system.
Want More?
Check out more information on our Viewrail product line that enhance your home and preserve your view.
To draw your layout and get a quote for your cable railing project, check out Victor, our design application for Viewrail systems.
For additional design help, fill out out this contact form, and a member of our team will contact you to discuss your project.